Ultimate Izhar: it is the Izhar of the Noon Sakinah (static Noon) followed by a “Waw” letter or “Yaa” letter which are letters of Idgham, in the same word. Types of Izhar: Izhar or Mnifestation has three types as following Pharyngeal Izhar: it is the most common one, it happens when the Noon Sakinah or Tanween is followed by one of the Izhar letters, and it is called Pharyngeal because all the Izhar letters (Alif, H, Ain, Ghin, Haa’, Khaa’} are pronounced from the throat or the pharynx. So the Tanween and the Khaa’ letter are pronounced clearly. Tanhtoon, here the “n” is Noon letter followed by “h” which is Haa’ letter, and here the Noon letter and Haa’ letter are pronounced clearly.Īlimn-Khaber, and here, “n” is a Tanween, and followed by the “Kh” which is Khaa’ letter at the beginning of the next word. So the Tanween and the Ghin letter are pronounced clearly.

ILahn-Ghirh, as you can see the “n” is a Tanween, and followed by “Gh” which is Ghin letter. So the Noon letter and the Ain letter are pronounce clearly. So the Tanween and H are pronounced clearly too.Īnamat, and here also the letter of “n” which is Noon letter, is followed by “a” which is Ain letter. Jorfn-Har, in this example, we can see “n” which is a Tanween followed at the beginning of the next word by the “H” letter. So the Tanween and the Alif are pronounced clearly. Examples for Izhar: Klon-Aamn, as you can see “n” is a Tanween and followed at the beginning of the next word by “A” which is Alif letter. Letters of Izhar: They are six letters which are Alif, H, Ain, Ghin, Haa’, Khaa’. So here, the Noon or Tanween, and the Izhar letter, both are pronounced clearly. Izhar in Tajweed means to pronounce the letter from its exit in a clear sound without stopping, silence, Ghunna or stress.Īpplying Izhar needs some conditions which are presence of Noon Sakinah (static Noon) or Tanween ( Nunation), followed -in the same word or in the next word- by one of the Izhar letters. Izhar is one of Tajweed rules, and the word (Izhar) is an Arabic word which means Manifestation.