I wondered, "Is the Spiritof God trying to show me something?" So I began to studyalong this line, think along this line, feed along this line-and I began to see more and more light.Īn article in The Pentecostal Evangel prompted my studyon the words "power" and "authority." Then I came across awonderful pamphlet entitled The Authority of the Believerīy John A. I had had little glimpses of spiritual authority once in a while.Like others, I had stumbled upon it and had exercised itwithout knowing what I was doing.

We are delighted to share this new,expanded book with you, our loyal partners and friends.īack in the 1940s, I asked myself the question, "Do wehave authority that we don't know about-that we haven'tdiscovered-that we're not using?" In 1984, in honor of Dad's 50th anniversary in the ministry,we reedited this book and added the information he alwayshas wanted included. He often has said hewished this book could contain these further insights. Since 1967, however, Dad has gained even more light onthe subject of spiritual authority.

During the years, theimportant Bible truths in its pages have literally transformedthe lives of many people.